Thursday, October 18, 2018

Perugia and a stroll down memory lane

Unlike Saturday, Sunday dawned mostly clear. I was up early, so I went to Mass at the local parish church. By the time I got back to the house around 9:00 a.m., there was some movement. Today was our trip to Perugia, the provincial capital and the largest city in Umbria. I was very excited to be going there, because that’s where I lived and studied Italian some thirty-eight years ago. It is also one of Italy’s most beautiful cities. We finally hit the road around 11:00 a.m. It was only a twenty-five minute drive and was very easy. We parked the car on the outskirts and took the mini-Metró, a kind
of tram, up to the top of the city. Perugia sits on a block of stone high above a plain. Its elevation and views are two of the things that make it so beautiful. What also makes it so special, is the large number of well-preserved medieval structures that form the nucleus of the old town. We did not have a plan to visit anything and everything, rather just stroll through the city, take in some sights and maybe have some lunch – oh, and acquire anything chocolate.

Some clouds had rolled back in and there was a little bit of light rain as we began exploring Perugia. We started with the main square, the cathedral and the palazzo dei Priori. There were lots of people out and about and we joined them poking our heads in and out of different places. We strolled down the Corso Vanucci, the main street in the center, heading towards the Belvedere at the end. As we neared the end, you could see that there was some kind of market set up. We went over to investigate.

It was a small farmers’ market and there were vendors selling all kinds of different products. By this time, the sun had come out full force and we began peeling off layers in the bright fall sun. We strolled over to the belvedere and had a wonderful view of the city and surrounding countryside. Of course, this seemed like the perfect time for a selfie.

We walked back again towards the center, because I wanted to show my family where I had lived and studied. I had forgotten, however, how many steps there were down to the university. Carol and Robert were hardy enough to come the whole way. We stopped at the door, which lead up to the residence over the church where I had a room back in 1980. The church has since been closed; and Ibelieve the rooms are now part of a B & B. After that, we walked across the street to the main entrance to the Universita’ Italiana per Stranieri, the Italian University for Foreigners. This is where I received my formal start in the study of the Italian during a month-long course in September 1980. It seems so long ago now.

I am in Italy today, because back in 1979 I agreed to go to Rome to study at Sant’Anselmo. When I started studies in Rome, I had no idea that it would set me on a trajectory that would affect the rest of my life. As I write this, I am sitting outside as the sun begins to warm the Tuscan landscape that lies in front of me. Much of this I owe to Perugia, because it was there that I learned the rudiments of the Italian language and I learned to appreciate Italian culture. The month I spent in Perugia back then was a magical time in a magical place. Of course, with my limited experience of Italy, I had no idea that I was in one of the most refined and elegant cities in the country. What I did know was that I loved walking up and down the Corso watching the Italians as they lived out their daily lives in a way so different from mine. I now realize that I was very privileged indeed.

So, after my stroll down memory lane, we rejoined the rest of the family at an outdoor café on the main square. We all had a good laugh, when we looked up and saw a shop behind us called “Dempsey’s”. Of course, Theresa and Ray had to have a picture. We enjoyed some nice pizza and beverages while basking in the warm sun. A few more stops for chocolate and then we were on our way back “home”. We had some fun trying to locate a grocery store, which we ultimately did. We made our customary “quick stop” to pick up a few items. Then we headed home for a relaxing evening.

La Dolce Vita!

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