Tuesday, August 14, 2018

It has been a quiet day here at Glenstal. It's been a kind of recovery day from travel. I slept fairly late, which was good. The monks have been quite insistent that I should rest and not feel that I have to join them. That is, however, exactly what I did for the rest of the day. The rhythm of the monastic day just carries one along, if one's schedule permits- which mine certainly does. The community here celebrates the Eucharist at 12:10. This is followed by the midday meal, which, as I pointed out yesterday, is the main meal. This is over by 1:30, so there is a fairly big chunk of time before the next hour of prayer at 6:00. I worked in my room for the next two hours on a translation project from German. This really tired me out, so I took a nap.
Near Glenstal
After my nap I took a brisk 45 minute walk both on and off the grounds of the abbey. While walking, I made the acquaintance of two donkeys, severals bulls who were gazing longingly at the heard of cows across the way, and, a very friendly Labrador whose owner had left him loose to guard that house, which he wasn't doing particularly well.

I returned to my room in time to get ready for Solemn Vespers for the Solemnity of the Assumption of Our Lady. The abbey recently installed a new set of 4 bells. Up until today, they had only been hearing three of them. The fourth was to be added on this feast. I wasn't sure whether it would be before Vespers or not, but before too long I received the answer. At 5:45 the bells began pealing, first one, then two, three, and yes, then 4! It was a glorious sound. We sang Vespers and re-joined for the Tuesday evening cold supper - an assortment of salads, cheese and other cold foods. It was quite delicious.I managed to spill the tea - I didn't realize the pot was that hot! They were all very polite about it. There's no reading at this meal, but there is recorded music.  Because it is a solemnity, the monks prayed Vigils at 8:30, which was enhanced by some beautiful polyphonic singing by a smaller group of very talented monks! And so, today comes to an end.

If you want to hear the bells, here's a link: https://photos.google.com/u/1/album/AF1QipM2EMJ0z061htnYAFR4lZe-0OD8QQ-pxhmylnVs/photo/AF1QipO4YB13UBFkutp-TIlrX-L69ReiKC_GZZ5wbQ46

1 comment:

  1. I’ve only been home from Glenstal 3 weeks and I’m already pinning to return! Wonderful place! Rest well dear confrere! I miss you across the hall already!


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The Final Chapter

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